Serial Commands


Video Overview

@PwnKitteh made this video about deauther 2.0 serial commands.


Prints out list with all commands.


scan [<all/aps/stations/wifi>] [-t <time>] [-c <continue-time>] [-ch <channel>]
Starts scan with given parameters.
Modes (optional, default = all):

  • all (-a)
  • aps (-ap)
  • stations (-st)
  • wifi (-w)
    Mode must be the first parameter! time [-t] (optional, default = 15s): How long it should scan for stations (client devices) in seconds.
    continue [-c] (optional): How many seconds until it should scan again.
    channel [-ch] (optional): Only scan on a specific channel, instead of going through them all automatically.
    To scan indefinitely set the time to 0, i.e. scan stations -t 0.
    The difference between mode stations and mode wifi is that stations will only scan on channels that are used by at least one access point.
    The wifi scan mode also doesn’t require an access point scan first and is recommended for using the deauth detection and packet monitor feature.


show [<all/aps/stations/names/ssids>]
show selected [<all/aps/stations/names/ssids>]
Prints out the scan results (access points and stations), the saved device names and the saved ssids.
Selected (optional, default = false): Only the selected targets are printed out.
Types (optional, default = all):

  • all (-a)
  • aps (-ap)
  • stations (-st)
  • names (-b)
  • ssids (-ss)


select [<all/aps/stations/names>] [<id>]
deselect [<all/aps/stations/names>] [<id>]
(De)Selects a specific or all access points, stations and device names.
Types (optional, default = all):

  • all (-a)
  • aps (-ap)
  • stations (-st)
  • names (-b)

ID (optional): ID of the AP/station/device you want to select.


add ssid <ssid> [-wpa2] [-cl <clones>] [-f]
Adds SSID with given parameters to list.
ssid: The SSID you want to add to the list.
-wpa2 (optional, default = false): If the SSID you add should be an open or WPA2 encrypted network.
clones [-cl] (optional, default = 0): How many SSIDs you want to add with that name.
force [-f] (optional, default = false): Forces adding of ssid, even if list is full.

add ssid -ap <id> [-cl <clones>] [-f]
Copies SSID from scanned access point and adds it to the list.
clones [-cl] (optional, default = 0): How many SSIDs you want to add with that name.
force [-f] (optional, default = false): Forces adding of ssid, even if list is full.

add ssid -s [-f]
Copies SSIDs from selected access points into list.
force [-f] (optional, default = false): Forces adding of ssid, overwrites old SSIDs.


add name <name> -ap <id> [-s] [-f]
add name <name> -st <id> [-s] [-f]
add name <name> -m <mac> [-ch <channel>] [-b <bssid>] [-s] [-f]
Saves device with given name and parameters.
name [-n]: Name you want to give the device (max.16 characters!).
ap [-ap]: Access point you want to save.
station [-st]: Station you want to save.
mac [-m]: MAC address of the device.
channel [-ch] (optional, default = current channel): Channel the device is on.
bssid [-b] (optional, default = NULL): The MAC address of the access point its connected to.
select [-s] (optional, default = false): Select the device after adding it.
force [-f] (optional, default = false): Forces adding name, even if list is full.


replace name <id> [-n <name>] [-m <mac>] [-ch <channel>] [-b <bssid>] [-s]
Removes name with given ID and creates a new one with the given parameters.


set name <id> <newname>
Changes the name of a saved device.
id: ID of the saved name you want to change.
newname: New name you want to give that device.


enable random <interval>
Enables SSID random mode with given interval in seconds.

disable random Disables SSID random mode.


load [<all/ssids/names/settings>] [<file>]
save [<all/ssids/names/settings>] [<file>]
Loads/saves the ssid list, device name list and settings.
Types (optional, default = all):

  • all (-a)
  • ssids (-ss)
  • names (-n)
  • settings File (optional): Where to load/save the file. It will use the default file name when the parameter isn’t set.


remove <ap/station/name/ssid> <id>
Removes specific ssid or name from the list.

  • ap (-ap)
  • station (-st)
  • name (-n)
  • ssid (-ss)

remove <ap/station/names/ssids>
remove <ap/station/names/ssids> [all]
Removes everything from the selected list.
all [-a] (optional, default = true): Remove all.


attack [beacon] [deauth] [deauthall] [probe] [nooutput] [-t <timeout>]
Starts attack with given parameters (1 or more is required):

  • beacon [-b] (optional, default = false)
  • deauth [-d] (optional, default = false)
  • deauthall [-da] (optional, default = false)
  • probe [-p] (optional, default = false)
  • nooutput [-no] (optional, default = false): Will stop printing out the packets per second.
  • timeout [-t] (optional, default = settings.attackTime): Will change the attack timeout time in the settings.

PLEASE NOTE that deauthall will deactivate deauth and vice versa.
You can only run one at a time!


attack status [<on/off>]
Enables or disables printing the attack status (pkts/s) every second (only when an attack is running).


Prints out RAM usage, current WiFi channel, the MAC addresses, SPIFFS (SPI-Flash-File-System usage and files.


Clears the serial console.


Deletes all files in the SPIFFS (SPI-Flash-File-System).


print <file> [lines]
lines [-l] (optional, default = false): Show line numbers.
Prints out file from SPIFFS (SPI-Flash-File-System) to the serial console.


delete <file>
Deletes file from the SPIFFS (SPI-Flash-File-System).
delete <file> <lineFrom>
Removes a specific line from a file.
delete <file> <lineFrom> <lineTo>
Removes specific lines from a file.
The first line number is 0!


replace <file> <line> <new-content>
Replaces specific line of file with given content.


copy <file> <newfile>
Makes a copy of a file in the SPIFFS.


rename <file> <newfile>
Renames a file in the SPIFFS.


get <setting>
Prints out the value of the setting.


set <setting> <value>
Changes the value of the setting.


Resets the settings.


stop [<all/scan/attack/script>]
Stops ongoing tasks.
Modes (optional, default = all):

  • all (-a)
  • scan (-sc)
  • attack (-a)
  • script


Prints out a HUGE spacechick.


Performs a hard reset (just like connecting the RST pin to GND).


run <file> [-c <continue-time>]
Executes script with given filepath.
continue [-c] (optional, min=1s, default time is 10s): How many seconds until it should run the script again.
Please don’t use this command within a script! It won’t work but it might lead to errors or unexpected behaviour.


write <file> <commands>
Writes (appends) a command to the given file and saves it.
Please note that this command has, like all commands, a limit of 512 characters and therefor shouldn’t be used to write extensive files. There is a better way to upload files to the SPIFFS explained in the file.


Shows version number, copyright info, and link to GitHub.


// <comments>
Commands that begin with # will be printed out as they are and not be tried to execute.
There must be a space between the hash sign and the comments.
The hash sign also has to be at the beginning of the command!


send deauth <AP-MAC> <ST-MAC> <reason> <channel>
send beacon <mac> <ssid> <ch> [wpa2]
send probe <mac> <ssid> <ch>
Sends single packet out with giving parameters.

You can also sent out custom packets with: send packet <packet>
The packet must be a hexadecimal string devided by : and with a leading zero.
It’s only recommended to use this feature if you have experience on how the ESP8266 handles sending custom defined packets.
Copy pasting packets out of Wireshark is very unlikely to work.
Also note that you’re still limited to 512 characters per command!


led <r> <g> <b> [<brightness>]
Changes LED color based on input.
Be sure to disable the LED updates (see command below), if you don’t want the color the be rewritten by a scan or attack.
The brightness is optional and must be given in percent (between 0 and 100).

led <#rrggbb> [<brightness>]
Changes LED color based on input in form of a hex value.
The value must start with a # and have 6 following characters.

led <enable/disable>
Dis/Enables the LED updates. If disabled, the color will not change automatically anymore if you start a scan or attack.
To disable the LED in general use set ledenabled false.


delay <time>
Will pause the serial command interface for a given time.
delay 1000 will wait one second.
But you can also specify the delay time in seconds directly:
delay 1s.


draw [<height>] [<width>]
Draws packet monitor graph.
Will only work if you run a wifi scan first, i.e. scan wifi -t 65s -ch 1.

  • height (optional, default = 25): Height of the graph in characters.
  • width (optional, default = 2): Width in characters per bar in graph.


startap [-p <path][-s <ssid>] [-pswd <password>] [-ch <channel>] [-h] [-cp]
Starts access point.

Stops access point.


screen <on/off>
Turns display on or off. To reactivate the display press the A (select) button.

screen mode <menu/packetmonitor/buttontest/loading>
Changes display mode.

  • menu: default mode when using the display interface
  • packetmonitor: draws packet graph (will only work when you’re scanning at the same time)
  • buttontest: special mode for testing the buttons
  • loading: loading screen that is normally used when starting a scan over the display menu

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